Will Aftercare
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Will Aftercare Services
Why Opt For The Will Power Aftercare Service?
The Will Power Aftercare Service offers you and your loved ones’ peace of mind from the moment your Will is written to the critical time immediately after your death.
The Will Power Aftercare Service includes:
- Full Will Storage Service
- Unlimited free amendments and reissue of your updated Will. (This applies to amendments to your current Will. If you require a new type of product, such as a Trust, there is an additional charge. Please ask your Consultant for more details.)
- Professional legal help for your loved ones on your death.
Storing Your Will With Will Power
Your new Will is very important and if it were accidentally damaged, destroyed, altered, or lost this would invalidate it and leave your estate vulnerable. It is a valuable document which needs looking after.
If your Executors cannot find your Will when you die, then you will deemed to have died intestate.
On storing your Will, Will Power will take legal responsibility for your Will (covered by our £2 million Professional Indemnity Insurance.)
You will be issued with a copy Will for you to keep at home. You and your Executors will receive a document explaining where your original Will is stored and the procedure for releasing it.
Your Will and any other documents such as Lasting Powers of Attorney, deeds, list of assets, policy documents etc., can be stored in our secure storage vault which offers Will Protection, Will Security and Will Tracking. See our Will Storage page for more details.
Updating Your Will
You can make simple updates and changes to your Will as you wish with our Will Aftercare Service. Simply make your amendments on your copy Will and send or email it to us. We will update your Will and you will be issued with a new version to be signed and witnessed.
We suggest that prior to making any amendments to your Will you call us on 0208 568 9602 to book a free review appointment with your consultant to discuss the amendments.
Although it is up to you to keep your Will up to date, we will endeavour to advise you of any legal developments which may affect you. In this way you can ensure that on your death your Will is current and relevant to your personal circumstances.
Professional Legal Help For Your Loved Ones On Your Death
The most critical time for your Will is after your death.
During a time when your loved ones are at their most vulnerable, we will help them to take your Will through the Probate process. Our legal team will give your Executors a guiding hand helping them to deal with your Will efficiently and effectively. They will advise your Executors on the best course of action to take, such as how to avoid any inheritance tax, or protecting the family home from care home fees.
After notification of your death, one of our legal team will arrange to meet with your Executor at their home, your residence or at our office. All the information on your estate and affairs will be sorted through by our Consultant who will advise your Executors on the best course of action to obtain probate at a minimum cost.
Estate Administration Service
If your Executors are unwilling to proceed themselves, then the Consultant will collect all the information on your estate and pass it to one of our legal team to obtain a Grant of Probate on their behalf for a fee that is currently 1.5% of your gross estate (depending on the complexity of your affairs). This legal service ensures the responsibility is taken completely away from your Executors making it easier for them to come to terms with what is usually a difficult time. For more information on our Estate Administration Service see our Estate Administration and Grant of Probate pages.
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How Much Does Will Aftercare Cost?
Aftercare Service
£495+vat (Single) or £990+vat (Couple)
Standard Wills & Aftercare
£500+vat (Single) or £800+vat (Couple)
Without our Aftercare service you would need to pay for any amendments you wish to make to your Will.
You can also take advantage of a 20% discount on any additional services, for example completing Lasting Powers of Attorney.