Simply securing your family’s future.

Helping families with Wills, LPA’s and Probate since 1992. 

Will Power is a local, established, independent will-writing, LPA and probate specialist, the best choice for providing straightforward, reliable, expert help.

Get in touch for a free, no-obligation chat about how we might be able to help you.

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Will Power has been helping families take care of their future for over 30 years and have well over 10,000 local clients.


What does a Will Writer do?

Liz Killip tells us all about the role of a will writer.

A will writer helps you write a legally valid will to meet your circumstances and protect your family’s future. A legally valid will is how you ensure your property, money and possessions are left to people and charities you care about. 

One of our will writing consultants from Will Power will make an appointment to come and see you at your home or conduct a meeting via telephone or Zoom – whichever is preferable to you. During that meeting we will talk to you about your personal circumstances including your money, your property, possessions and your children. 

We then advise you on the best will for your circumstances. Whether it’s a standard will or a trust will depend on your estate and what you want to protect. We also discuss and advise on who to choose as executors and guardians if necessary. 

We talk to you about who you would like to benefit and in what amounts, including specific gifts and any charitable legacies, and then help you create the will itself.


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